For Carriers – Technology

A Marketplace
That Generates

As more insurers continue to outsource more and more components of the repair process to their DRP partners, visibility and transparency are more critical than ever. With 46% of your repair costs going directly into parts, adopting new purchasing practices like online, competitive marketplaces, ensures optimal outcomes for controlling leakage.

The PartsTrader Difference

Real-Time & Dynamic

Unlike other parts inventory programs that source pricing from static, outdated databases, PartsTrader is the only online, real-time platform that creates a competitive marketplace and delivers competitive, dynamic parts pricing and availability for every part on the estimate, at the time of the repair.

Critical Insight

When your claims administration team uses the PartsTrader platform in their compliance workflow, they can see into the process: what parts were ordered, how many suppliers quoted and delivery times – critical insights that can deliver greater efficiency.

Driven by Competition

Unlike other parts inventory programs that source pricing from static, outdated databases, PartsTrader is the only online, real-time platform that creates a competitive marketplace and delivers competitive, dynamic parts pricing and availability for every part on the estimate.

Meaningful Data

True visibility and transparency into the repair process will deliver a rich, robust, actionable dataset that will allow you to easily understand current parts procurement performance, as well as provide the necessary insights to quickly adjust for optimal outcomes.

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Ready for a Demo?

Let us show you how the PartsTrader platform can increase efficiency and deliver critical insights.